Friday, February 19, 2010

A long overdue update

Well time has been flying as I realize the last time I updated this blog was in November! WoW!!

So much has changed... where to begin.

I'll start where things left off last time. Dad is doing well- however he is still in the nursing home. His physical health and emotional health grow stronger all the time. We have set a goal of March 11 for him to be able to move back home. None of us are 100% positive it will happen- but it is the one year anniversary of the heart attack. Please pray with us that he will be able to come home then.

Ok, now for the not so easy update-on me! There are a lot of you who know all the details and so this is going to be review... but for many of you all of this news will be a shock to you.

In early October B's (my first foster kid- if that is news, well check out for pictures and more information. That is the best place for all the info) first foster mom (Collene) got a sibling group of 3 who, I guess you could say, stole my heart almost instantly. By mid November I had been seeing them 2-5 times a week and they knew me and ran into my arms any time I came over. (Did I mention that they screamed "MAMA" anytime they saw me?)

By late October it was becoming obvious to everyone in the case that they were going to end up wards of the state because their parents were not around or even able to be found. By mid November Collene made a statment along the lines of "yeah they are going to go up for adoption" and my heart skipped a few beats. Long story short, I tried to ignore, fight, manipulate and run away from what God was whispering in my heart... these are my kids.

I never told Collene, but I talked to the agency about them and let them know that I was interested. Let's be clear- I prayed A LOT about this and talked to a TON of people about it before pursuing it. However, because I was fighting it I was expecting a lot of "Your crazy" or "Don't even think about it" but instead I got "Well, about time you got to it" etc.

In Mid December my foster care license was officially finished and that meant that B could finally be moved to my license and get settled. By this point- if I were honest, I had grown very tired/ weary/ complacent about my position at work. Also, I had been praying for months that God would make it clear when it was time to leave that job. Well, after the meeting to move B to my license, I was back at the office and praying again that God would make it abundantly clear when the time to leave would be. The last thing I wanted to do was to leave in my timing and not God's.

About 2 hours later I was let go from my position. I have never been fired from a position before- so it kinda stung- but really it was a direct answer and as clear as clear was going to get.

The next day Collene called me and told me that she believed that the sibling group should be my kids. I about fell over laughing. Remember, I never told her once what I was praying about. I told her that I had been praying about it already, had made a call to Bethany in regards to them and hadn't heard anything back yet. So, she took it on and started making calls herself. The process officially began.

I started taking them on respite- weekends and such- to try to start the bonding process. It was amazing and these kids and I felt so good together.

The day before New Years and 5 days before the "deadline" the kids parents showed up out of the blue saying they want to get their kids back. My heart broke- but if this is what God wants then so be it. However, it will take an absolute miracle on their behalf for it to happen.

They moved in with me in the middle of January and were officially transfered to my license a little less than a month ago.

So, right now I'm a full time mom of 4 kids! Ages 1, 2, 7 and 15. I'm happier than I can ever remember being... although I have to admit going through a really rough couple of weeks as I was adjusting to being a mom of 4 and more than that a mom of babies and being home all the time.

God gave me a vision about 5 years ago... and here I am living out part of it... The rest is still being prayed over and will hopefully come about soon. :)

I cannot believe how blessed and overjoyed I am! Thank you for praying with me, for me and for praying in the future about what's coming next.

May you be blessed,

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